Thursday, December 18, 2008

no specifics.. but wow.. last 24 hours.. been kinda interesting..

just wonder how long its going to take before some people realize how amazing they are and shouldn't be putting themselves through shit.. bad shit...

"everybody, put up your hands, I dont want to be in love" - listening to music at work.. la la

i remember last year.. when i was depressed.. it was hard for anyone else to understand what i was going through, between losing my boyfriend, my dog, quiting my job, having no friends.. it was hard, but i finally found the light. my angel has been taking care of me..

(if i got a tattoo id get angel wings on my back right under my new piercing..)

made new friends, finally got a new job, made a new life. i know its hard but things change, and for me change was for the better, even though i have no feelings anymore, better than being overly emotional, i guess, the the glass half filled or half empty?

"I just need someone to talk too, you were to busy to talk too. now i am trapped in the bed i have made" Staind-Fade

my brother sitting on the plane.. taxi coming.. hmm what to do what to do...

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